
Hx vs CX 的薪金計法

好多人都好concern 人工嘅問題 呢個問題其實幾複雜,兩間公司係唔同計法,所以決定寫翻篇文解釋下。

首先解釋Hong Kong airline 嘅計法。

底薪+ flying hour + ground duty hour 

底薪 $7800 

Flying hour < 75hr : $85/hr 

Flying hour > 75hr : $150/hr

Ground duty hour 包括briefing room briefing, aircraft engine off 之後果半小時,上堂,幫公司出活動 ➡️ half of flying hour (85/2= 42.5)

ℹ️ 通常一個月嘅ground hour 大概係1500-2000 depends on 你翻工嘅日數

example 入面的ground hour total $2,000



7800+60×85+ 42.5×ground hour



7800+75×85+5×120+42.5×ground hr= $16,775

Cathay 計法

我地係冇底薪嘅 但佢會guarantee 你就算你飛唔够70小時,佢都會比翻70小時嘅人工你。所以我當佢叫做有底薪先。


flying hour:$108/hr  

Ground hour (108/2) = 54


70×108+54×ground hour = $9,560


80×108+54×ground hour =$10,640


Flying hour: $130/hr

Ground hour:(130/2)= 65


70×130+65×ground hour =$11,100


80×130+65×ground hour =$12,400


以上只係講緊頭一年嘅薪金,兩間公司每年都會加翻少少人工嘅。 以我所知,HX 20173% CX 2% 🌚🌚🌚👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

Hx7800+3% (底薪)

CX130+2% flying hour

CX 做够三年就renew contract ,叫做簽長約,之後就唔洗Renew 咖啦~ (所以第三年要勁少port sick, 而且每班機都最好冧掂個FP等佢比你好啲嘅cpp appraisal】,咁續約會順利啲😶Renew 完,人工會加一大截,加到$160/hr 



除所bank in 嘅薪金,我地空姐仲有另一份「薪水」:allowance 

呢份嘢係會係你訓外地酒店嘅時候比你,價錢係根據果間酒店嘅食物而定。 而且係分早餐,午餐,晚餐,洗衫錢。 所以stay 得越耐就越多allowance 啦。 

ℹ️from CX definition of Meal allowances : will be paid when a stopover at an outport exceeds 2 hours and includes any part of the periods listed below (all times are LST)

▪️Breakfast 0600 - 0859

▪️Lunch  1200-1359

▪️Dinner 1800-2159

🤡 P.s 我真係試過架機0900land,冇咗份breakfast allowance 🌚 

ℹ️An overnight allowance will be paid when a stopover exceeds 6 hours. If a stopover exceeds 30 hours, a second overnight allowance will be paid. A third overnight allowance will be paid if a stopover exceeds 54 hours and so on. (From Cx)

ℹ️ When a roster pattern exceeds 2 local nights 1 laundry allowance will be paid for the third night; 2 laundry allowances for the fourth night and 1 laundry allowance for each succeeding night. The allowance will be paid at the particular port where the night-stop occurs.

cx比較多long haul 機,所以佢地多啲allowance ,而hx就比較多red eye and overnight ,所以佢地allowance 會少好多。【有人話】:因為CX dominate 咗最靚仔嘅departure 時間,所以令到hx要係啲爛時間dep。(但同時都係食緊margin customer 的生意啫~)

⤵️⤵️下面會講解下乜係long haul , red eye , turn around


Cx 嘅叫法:turn around , over night , layover 

Hx 嘅叫法係根據果日做幾多sector 而定,會叫「11」「101」「1001」「10203」「103」,咁當然佢地都會有turn around 

ℹ️turn around 有兩種,一種係正當turn around ,啫係即日來回。 另一種叫red eye ,啫係凌晨機,但冇得stay hotel, 要即日來回。

💰呢啲就冇allowance 嘅,冇得stay hotel 

ℹ️overnight = 11

故名思義,啫係會訓一晚。 hx嘅叫法係第一日做一個sector ,第二日又做一個sector ,就叫11 i.e 7 HKG-BKK 8BKK-HKG,就叫11

如果,7 HKG-BKK 8BKK-TPE-HKG(咁就係第二日做兩個sector),就叫12

pattern 都可能有,both Hx & CX 

例如 HKG-tpe-fuk & fuk-tpe-HKG = 22 

Hkg-tpe & tpe-HKG-tpe-HKG =13

🤡 我個人好憎做多sector 嘅機,因為去到一個地方啲客落曬機,但自己仲要做果種感覺好差🌚

💰呢種就有allowance ,但幾多錢係depends on間酒店食個dinner 幾錢,或食個早餐幾錢。有時遲咗land 就淨係得翻早餐份allowance ☹️ 不過有時會根據情況比翻份allowance 你。 (more details u will know when u be a FA) 

ℹ️layover = 101, 1001, 10203 etc ..depends on how many sector u fly a day 

Cx 通常會叫stay at least 24hr嘅機做layover , Hx 會叫果日唔洗做野嘅做『0e.g. 


八號stay 一整日係北京 



咁呢啲機會stay whole day in hotel,所以allowance 會多好多👍🏽💰 有時仲會有laundry allowance 🙆🏽 但都係depends on stay 幾耐啦(以『以幾多晚』計)😌


以上就係我所知嘅salary 計法,可能唔係全部正確咖⛑👩🏽‍🏭 同埋hx &a Cx allowance 計法真係有啲不一樣的,所以用黎參考下好了,事實係點就真係簽約果刻先知~

話說,依家新嘅contract 係有ceiling 嘅,頂薪係$180/hr,咁按照依家每年加薪嘅幅度計,大概5-6年就會reach $180咖啦⋯⋯ 咁再根據依家升職嘅時間(大概10左右先升到FP)所以啫係大約有4-5年嘅時間,市場繼續inflation , 但我地嘅薪水係keep住冇變咖🤦🏽‍♀️ 所以小妹仲諗緊前途,留定不留呢? 唉⋯⋯

另外,可能大家會覺得兩間公司嘅薪水差好遠。其實cx加埋allowance嘅話,大家就差不多(不過allowance 我會洗,難得去到外國都食杯面,lock&seal自己係酒店咩? 咁就唔好做呢份工啦🤷🏽‍♀️ 但其實真係如果要講人工嘅,做Hk express or Dragonair 會更高👍🏽 

P.s 但CX 真係越做越少福利,Hx 派bonus 同利是都比CX 多。 Hx 除咗年尾果份(同CX 差不多),好似仲另外派多兩次(但呢兩次都要冇攞過warning 嘅人先攞到😂) 利是,cx派hkd20, hx派hkd100 

Hx 有得攞月餅🤷🏽‍♀️ CX 乜都冇🤦🏽‍♀️

另一篇會compare 兩間airline roster (更表),大家就會明白咩過多啲Day off ,乜野係long haul,乜野係turn around , overnight 喇~ 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

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