相隔一個月之後,終於黎到final in~ 真係有啲緊張,之前仲要問卦,師傅話有70%機會可以成功,但要有兩個姻緣,第一,interviewer係女性,第二,要有水,例如interviewer個明有水,or interview 既地方個名有水... 嗱,準唔準我未知住,下回分解~
[xkl轉圈]24 NOV 2015 FINAL IN[xkl轉圈]
Time: 1030, Venue: 國泰城。
時間:10:15[最右] 去到坐低有個candidate比做張form 我話要填,大概係personal info and where to know cx recruitment day。 之後同一班candidates 傾計,有啲 in 10點既都未in到, 有個9點in 既女仔話佢delay 左45mins... 所以我諗住無咁快到我。
時間:10:30 [最右]有staff叫我交翻啲documents,原來佢要既alevel and ce cert 係最正式果張,唔係transcript 果張,但我都唔知我有無... anyway, 交曬啲嘢就叫我用cantonese 讀一段文字出黎。-- 交document 呢個位全程用cantonese~
交完文件諗住坐翻1個鐘先會到我in, 點知坐低唔夠兩分鐘就比Dennis 叫名, 我真係嚇左嚇... 啲candidates 同我講得1個interviewer 係男仔,我果刻中心諗無咁易中既... 命運就係咁... 都無法啦,同自己講都係咁in gar jeeee
坐低果陣我仲諗住推前張櫈,點知fix左囖== 真係離個interviewer勁遠== 所以佢係會見到你全身既,男女都坐好啲啦~
Dennis:[歪果仁夏克立] me:[微笑] 心中話[思考]
[歪果仁夏克立] halo, i m dennis ......
[微笑] halo dennis, nice to meet u~
[歪果仁夏克立] may i know more about u? why do u want to be fa?
[微笑] of cuz, halo, my name is ___, i am ___yrs old, just graduate from___ university. my major is _____, is about ______. i know its not about customer service, but i still learn something related to customer service, such as customer behavior. errr. why i want to be fa becuz errr... although u heard thousand time of being a fa is a dream as a kid, but i really want to say it is my dream, but when i grow up, i read many bogger and heard from my fds how they describe fa, i know it a hard job, i wont say it is a difficult job, i think its a challenging job! and i like to help people. and i know cx has 140 destination, if i can be cx fa, it means i can travel over 100 places in the world, honestly, its very attractive to me~
[思考] 仆街,太緊張,唔應該講中意去旅行咖嘛....
[喵喵] 其實應該講:i did many part time job like clerk, sales, waitress, i think i dun like my career to be 9 - 6 office work, sitting there, face to documents and computer all day... i rather face different kind of people, even some of them may quite difficult to deal with, but i prefer to face people rather than cold computer...
[歪果仁夏克立]:ummm so anything more make you want to be a fa?
[思考] : 好明顯佢覺得我問非所答啦,仆街了
[微笑] : as i said, i think fa is very challenging for me, blah blah blah (repeat what i said), and i think i am very suitable for this job, i did prepare to be a flight attendant, so i take a first aid course in summer, becuz i know safety, security and service are most important thing on the plane~ and u may see from my resume, i did many part time job which related to customer service, so i have confident to do this job well~
[歪果仁夏克立] : ummm, as refer to ur resume, u have two part time job now, which one i like more, and why?
[微笑] : i like to be a sales(wedding photography sales) more, becuz i can face different kind of people and its quite challenging for me~
[歪果仁夏克立]: what kind of challenging u have faced?
[微笑]:i think it abt memorize all the information of different feature of different places. i dun want to give worry info to my customers, as its easy to mix up with those places features...such japan blah blah blah....
[歪果仁夏克立] : how do u fix the challenging?
[微笑] : i will jolt notes when my boss explain the plans to me, and i will study at home, and i will ask my sisters and parents to pretend a customer and ask me something about the plan, sth like role play~
[歪果仁夏克立] : why do u want to bring ur work to home after off work?
[微笑] : becuz i dun want to bring any wrong info to my customer , i want to do my best in my job~
[歪果仁夏克立] : did you meet any difficult customers ?
[微笑] : yes, one woman ask me why our company just choose tai chong as a place to take wedding photos, then i told her we have considered the weather and the scene... blah blah blah
[歪果仁夏克立] :other then that, any other difficulties?
[思考] : 咪答左你囖,仲想我答咩呢?呀啊啊啊啊啊啊~~~~
[微笑] : oh yes, some customers will like to get some benefits or discount from us. in case of that, i will refer to my boss, ask him to handle, becuz i cant deal with the customer if something related to the company's profit.
[歪果仁夏克立] :so if the boss tell u to tell the customer NO, what would u do?
[微笑] : i will tell the customer that its our best price to offer, i ve already count the cost and salary, we use full time photography instead of part time, so our price is a bit higher than others but the quality is guaranteed.
[歪果仁夏克立] :why u choose cx?
very simple, not to explain too much...
[歪果仁夏克立] :did you apply other airlines?
[歪果仁夏克立] :if this time you failed, what will you do?
[微笑] : it may depends, if my eng is not good enough, then i will go to study eng. if my manner is not proper enough, then i may go for some manner class. if my customer service is not enough, i may go to do more customer service related work to improve myself to be a well prepared flight attendant.
[歪果仁夏克立] :what will you expect after 3 years later?
[微笑] : i would fight to be promoted as a purser in the flight. and i would like to learn one more language to upgrade myself
[歪果仁夏克立] :any other questions?
[微笑] :how to be promoted?
[歪果仁夏克立] :blah blah bah
問完問題後,就叫我讀一篇英文,臨走前就叫我做多次份eng assessement~
anyway,做完 eng assessment 之後,佢叫我做埋普通話果份,但就等左勁耐,啲電腦又話密碼唔得又話錄唔到音.... 好彩最後成功三點幾走得~ 哎~ 希望有機會再黎國泰城啦~
14 DEC 2015
前幾日啲人陸續收到cx reject email.... 所以勁驚收到Email... 之後係14號收到電話, 咁岩training 緊, 到lunch 先可以打翻比佢... 佢竟然話要二月尾先再打黎confirm 喔